
[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Self-Acceptance πŸ’

In my experience, the whole concept of reconciling my personality disorder diagnosis with the goal of self-acceptance truly felt like one of life’s greatest paradoxes. How do we accept and love ourselves fully when it feels like there is still something inherently, significantly wrong with us? Won’t accepting myself mean that I no longer believe

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Self-Acceptance πŸ’

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Life Changes 🧭

During our last session we discussed OCPD & Burnout and went over several contributing factors that can lead to burnout, like chronic stress. One area that often creates high levels of stress are significant life changes. Adjusting to major life changes can be difficult for everyone but it might feel especially stressful if you have

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Life Changes 🧭 Read More »

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