1st “All Hands” Meeting for You, Me, & OCPD

Hello All!

If you’ve had the opportunity to attend one of the monthly Zoom Support Group Meetings then we’d like to inform you about our very first “All Hands” meeting. The format will differ from our usual group discussion based approach and instead function more like a presentation with periods for question and answer time.

The event will be recorded and all presentation materials will be made available afterwards. The purpose of these meetings & frequency of future β€œall-hands meetings” will be to:

  • Cast our long term timeline
  • Cover our 4 Main Goal Categories (Support & Community, Education, Advocacy & Outreach, and Administration)
  • Elicit feedback during Q&A times for each goal
  • Open up a time for General Q&A at the end

If you’re interested in attending but would like to remain anonymous, there will be an opening 10 minute window before we begin recording for you to change your username and turn off your video if you so choose. The goal with recording this event will be for tracking what is discussed and sharing it in a transparent way. (We will use our standard link available here)

We will continue to incorporate your generous feedback and contributions into increasing the effectiveness of our support.

Thank you,

Cale Livingston

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