February 2024

1st “All Hands” Meeting for You, Me, & OCPD

Hello All! If you’ve had the opportunity to attend one of the monthly Zoom Support Group Meetings then we’d like to inform you about our very first “All Hands” meeting. The format will differ from our usual group discussion based approach and instead function more like a presentation with periods for question and answer time. […]

1st “All Hands” Meeting for You, Me, & OCPD Read More »

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Getting Lost in Details 🔬

“Is preoccupied with details, rules, lists, order, organization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost.” OCPD Diagnostic Criteria (1 of 8) This diagnostic criteria is often one that folks with OCPD immediately understand, they have implicit experiences – maybe even from the past few days, or in researching

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Getting Lost in Details 🔬 Read More »

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