January 2024

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Shame 😔

Once again, it seems appropriate to share an entire (slightly abridged) section from the book “Atlas of the Heart” on Shame. For context, the emotion of Shame falls under the heading “Places We Go When We Fall Short” and is grouped with Self-Compassion, Perfectionism, Guilt, Humiliation, and Embarrassment. There’s just too much ground to cover […]

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Shame 😔 Read More »

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Setting New Intentions 🌱

Setting New Year’s Resolutions Intentions A few years ago I made the switch from setting “New Year’s Resolutions” to “Setting Intentions” and I’m pretty sure I’m never going back! While it might seem like just semantics at first, the biggest difference I’ve experienced is how much kinder I am with myself when I think about

[Zoom Meeting] OCPD & Setting New Intentions 🌱 Read More »

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