Welcome to the soft launch of our brand new website!
This is the official website for “You, Me, & OCPD”, a volunteer collective seeking to expand awareness about and tools for Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. We’re in the early days of the site but our dream is that this will grow to become a repository of helpful tools and resources for anyone looking to better navigate the various ways OCPD traits manifest in or affect their lives.
Immediate Goals
We would like to create a primer, an “Intro to OCPD” or “OCPD 101” if you will, that will help guide those who have been newly diagnosed through frequently asked questions and connect them with core resources in order to orient themselves during the potentially overwhelming initial stage of processing a diagnosis.
We will also be curating existing resources that we’ve found to be helpful for our own OCPD journey like books, podcasts, videos, social media channels, and websites.
Long Term Goals
Cale’s focus is on developing workflows to facilitate consistent, ongoing creation of original OCPD-centric content. This will look like video for various social media platforms, written posts about the OCPD experience, and book & media reviews from an OCPD perspective.
Greg is passionate about developing awareness among mental health professionals and creating the infrastructure to see more funding for clinical research which in turn will provide more systemic support for the OCPD community.
We don’t have much content right now but if you use this search feature it will help inform us of the type of content and information people are looking for!